Monday, November 30, 2009

summer lovin'

As the weather is beginning to look a lot like winter, here's a flashback to some back yard summer fun.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Zack does a lot of crazy stuff. He's a kid that likes to laugh and do weird things to make other people laugh at him. Case in point...

He's also super sweet...

...and super cute!

picking up where we left off...

Instead of jumping ahead to all the new and exciting things Zack is doing now, we'll pick up with things right where we left off. We'll spend the next few weeks looking back over the past 6 months and get all caught up, hopefully just in time for Christmas. So without further ado...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Updates have completely skipped my mind over the past few months. As usual, there's lots of good stuff to update with so I'll be finding some time between now and the weekend to get some new pictures up...sit tight!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

mother son bonding

Zack has given in to peer pressure and won't go to school with his own nails painted anymore, but he still shows a strong interest for painting nails.

Erik refuses to let Zack paint his nails (can't imagine why) so he paints my nails every now and then. Surprisingly, he's much better than you'd expect a 4-year-old to be.

Here he is concentrating very hard at "staying in the lines" (his words)

The obligatory cheese for the camera.
The finished product. I went back and did some touching up myself, but all in all, not a bad base coat.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I {heart} NY

So we took Zack to NYC for the first time and he LOVED it! He was so into everything, he couldn't get enough of Ben and Claire (who spoiled him rotten) and of course, he got toys from the biggest toy store he'd ever been in...what more could a boy ask for?

(SIDE NOTE: I actually posted this one at work so I pulled all the photos out of my web albums, which is why they are so small. If you click on them, they'll open in full size)

Here he is with his first NYC vendor hot dog. It was gone in roughly three bites.
From Zack's first trip to NYC

The hot dog was just a warm up because when that was gone, he insisted on a pretzel.
From Zack's first trip to NYC

In Central Park, not sure if he really wants to come out and play.
From Zack's first trip to NYC

From Zack's first trip to NYC

From Zack's first trip to NYC

Of course it wasn't long before it was up and moving.
From Zack's first trip to NYC

My new favorite picture of them...
From Zack's first trip to NYC

PASSED OUT at lunch. He couldn't even stay awake to drink his chocolate milk.
From Zack's first trip to NYC

Time's Square
From Zack's first trip to NYC

Checking out the dinosaur fossiles at the Natural History Museum
From Zack's first trip to NYC

Giant whale hanging from the ceiling. The whole room looked like you were under water.
From Zack's first trip to NYC

Laying on the "bottom of the ocean" looking up at all the fish.
From Zack's first trip to NYC

It was a great trip, and Zack is still talking about all the things he did and saw. He's definitely ready to visit the city again soon!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Go Cubs!

All ready for his first game.

The team warms up before the game.

Up to bat.

Running into home plate.

Out in the field.

Zack is ready for the long as it is hit directly into his glove...without him having to move a muscle!

Zack batted 3 times and scored 3 runs during the first game...he's a natural! The boys really take "team sport" to heart when fielding. If a ball comes their way, they all dive for it, and end up in a pile-up for the ball. The coaches are working on their skills but generally, we think they're just happy they're all enthusiastic about the game.

As of today, there's been 3 games and 3 practices. Considering the intended direction of pitches versus the actual direction the ball ends up going in, amazingly, none of the team (coaches included) have been injured with a "fly" ball.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

in so many words...

Erik: "What's with those glasses?"

Zack: "Maybe it's to help them see better. Old men and old ladies need glasses."

Adrianne: "Daddy wears glasses."

Zack: "He's old!"

Saturday, April 18, 2009

happy easter, plus 7 days!

So it's a week late, but that's the way Easter happened for us this year. We didn't get to dying eggs until about 8pm Saturday night, and we still haven't busted into everything the Easter Bunny brought, 7 whole days after the fact, which may be the longest chocolate has ever lasted, anywhere!

But of course, here are the obligatory dying-eggs-cheese-fest-2009...

We were so lazy this Easter that we didn't even do the picture thing on Sunday morning, so there's no visual proof of all the candy Zack got this year, but rest assured, the child did not suffer, in any way, shape or form!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

real quick

I'm on my way to bed, but wanted to put this up real quick.

This is Zack at his first t-ball practice, which I have more pictures from, as well as from his first game tonight.

Enjoy and I'll get more up ASAP!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

say cheese!

Just messing around, making faces for the camera.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mike McCarthy called...

...the Packers have an opening and like the potential this one's showing!